

2015-06-15 6952
Tags: 未來戰士
《未來戰士:創世智能》(Terminator Genisys)公映在即,全球影迷引頸以待,但作為「未來戰士之父」的金像導演占士金馬倫(James Cameron)當然有特權可以先睹為快。占士金馬倫當年成功炮製首《未來戰士》系列,成就影壇經典。雖然占士金馬倫缺席本集製作,但觀畢電影後依然大讚作品的反傳統的角色設計和逆轉劇情,期望一代經典再度復興。



「阿諾舒華辛力加(Arnold Schwarzenegger) 四度飾演『殲滅者T-800』。」占士金馬倫激讚,「阿諾在《未來戰士:創世智能》,成功引領T-800角色進入全新層次。」處於弱勢的女主角莎拉康納(Sarah Connor)今集將被改頭換面,更獲金馬倫形容是霸氣演繹。他亦賞識今集的逆轉劇情,將向來以正義朋友形象現身的主角尊康納,按插為威脅人類存亡的反派敵人,並相信全球觀眾肯定會愛上《未來戰士:創世智能》。


2029年,滅世人工智能 「天網」在未來肆虐,人類存亡危在旦夕。全靠強人尊康納(積遜卡克 飾)帶領全球精英部隊,頑抗「天網」及其機器人大軍「殲滅者」,人類才得以苟延殘存。戰況陷入膠著,「天網」狠將戰線蔓延,派遣水銀機械人T-1000(李炳憲 飾) 回到1984年擊殺還是少女的約翰康納生母 — 莎拉,阻止強人誕生。康納的親密戰友卡爾雷斯(積哥迪尼 飾)逆戰1984年拯救莎拉,卻遇上了未知是敵是友的機械人T-800(阿諾舒華辛力加 飾) ,才始知時空經已紊亂,並且得悉具備滅世智能的元始殺機,原來潛藏於2017年。卡爾雷斯決心進擊2017年剷除禍根,並與早作戒備的敵人 — 最強殺戮機器T-5000,爆發殊死激戰!



James Cameron - Had no idea what to expect sitting down. I wasn’t involved in making the film. I didn’t direct it. I didn’t write it. I’m just a fan boy. I'm in a dark theater, movie starts. And I start to see things I recognize. It’s being very respectful of the first two films. And then all of a sudden, it just swerves. And now I’m going on a journey. I feel like the franchise has been reinvigorated, like this is a renaissance. If you look at why the films became classics, they had characters that you like. The new film which, in my mind, I think of as the third film, we see Arnold take the character even farther. Everybody responds to Sarah Connor. To women, I think she represents a kind of empowerment, and yet there is a vulnerability there because that strength comes at a price. We went from, in the first film, the Terminator being the worst badass in history, to, in the second film, him being almost a father figure. The idea of taking John Connor and flipping him to the bad guy. It’s pretty cool because you got a rift against expectation. It’s all about the twist. If you like the Terminator are going to love this movie.




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Tags: 未來戰士

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