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蘋果與 Epic Game 一案初審判 Epic Game 勝訴,早前 CEO Tim Sweeney 表示會請求蘋果讓《Fortnite》iOS 版重新上架,並已經與蘋果達成了一致,但今天又有新發展!
Late last night, Apple informed Epic that Fortnite will be blacklisted from the Apple ecosystem until the exhaustion of all court appeals, which could be as long as a 5-year process. pic.twitter.com/QCD7wogJef
— Tim Sweeney (@TimSweeneyEpic) September 22, 2021
Epic Game 的 CEO Tim Sweeney 今天得到了蘋果方面的回覆,表示蘋果一方竟然將《Fortnite》列入黑名單,直至本案所有上訴權用盡為止,這可能需要長達 5 年的過程。他表示《Fortnite》不應該因為對包含法院認定為非法條款的協議提出質疑而被列入黑名單,Epic Game 將會繼續戰鬥,認為監管和立法行動的都需要比以往更加明確。
Fortnite should not be blacklisted for challenging an agreement containing terms the court found to be unlawful which Apple forces on all developers as terms of access to iOS. We’ll fight on. The need for regulatory and legislative action is clearer than ever before. pic.twitter.com/3oEhppg2AS
— Tim Sweeney (@TimSweeneyEpic) September 22, 2021