Bloober Team 近日宣佈,現正與《連環清潔工們 Serial Cleaners》的開發團隊 Draw Distance,製作一款代號為 Project M 的遊戲,合作開發已經進行了約一年多,現正進入正式製作的階段。
We're working on a new game! For over a year now, #BlooberTeam has been conducting pre-production works on a title codenamed Project M. Now the game enters the production phase, and @DrawDistanceDev (creators of the Serial Cleaner franchise), has been chosen as its developer!
— Bloober Team (@BlooberTeam) February 13, 2023
Bloober Team 擁有非常豐富的恐怖遊戲製作經驗,曾開發過《The Medium 靈媒》與《Layers of Fear》等人氣作品,最近正負責《SILENT HILL 2》重製版的開發工作。而 Draw Distance 就開發過好評俯瞰視角潛行動作遊戲《連環清潔工們》,令人期待兩家工作室將會合作開發一款怎樣的新作。
《Layers of Fear》
《The Medium 靈媒》
《連環清潔工們 Serial Cleaners》