It's a great day. DEI is ending, two genders is the official position of the USA, and every single tech company is scrambling to comply.
— Grummz (@Grummz) January 21, 2025
The change will come to gaming too. Keep pushing together, we have a year to go in the 2 year non-buy-nary plan. But it seems it will happen…
Grummz的言論與近期的事件相呼應:威世智(Wizards of the Coast)宣布停止贊助和支持VML(以推廣《魔法風雲會》多元性別參與為宗旨的賽事組織)。VML曾是該遊戲多元化政策的重要象徵,如今的結束意味著《魔法風雲會》的多元推廣策略可能正在調整方向。